Research team, pool of experts
Dr Arash Hajikhani (D.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Mgmt.) is a Senior Data Scientist in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation studies. He has a practical knowledge and 8 years working experience in utilizing data analytics methods such as text analytics and machine learning for transforming big data into valuable insight for which benefit the decision making processes. In his previous research, a systematic methodological framework has been adopted to transform SNS’s data into units of analysis that enables innovation-oriented activities evaluation and benchmarking in various levels (firms, economies, societies). His recent work has been on mapping innovation has been published in Journal of Scientometrics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Cleaner Production and International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management.
Twitter: @Arash_Hajikhani
Matti Pihlajamaa, D.Sc. (Tech.), Senior Scientist within the research area of Foresight and data economy. He is experienced in innovation management and innovation policy, focusing on open innovation and sustainability-oriented innovation policy. He manages and implements research projects in innovation studies and consults companies and public organizations in designing effective approaches to promote sustainable innovation.
Twitter: @mattipihlaj
Vafa Järnefelt, M. Sc. (Environmental sciences) is Research Scientist at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Her current projects and study topics are sustainable renewal of businesses (project manager), climate change mitigation potential of carbon capture and utilization technologies (affiliate at Berkeley Lab, USA), sustainability assessments of transition strategies and circular economy, and the role of data in boosting the sustainable transition. She has acted as an editor and writer in several visionary roadmaps and books/reports related to different areas of circular economy such as forest industry, carbon recirculation, plastics, and textiles. Järnefelt has been offered a PhD position at the University of Oxford to study sustainability measurement and rebound (i.e., backfiring) effects of the circular economy.
Tiina Pajula M.Sc. (Tech), Principal scientist in the area of Sustainability Assessment has worked over 20 years on environmental research, LCA, sustainability assessment and carbon footprint. She has strong experience in coordinating projects using diverse methods to evaluate and communicate sustainability of products or companies. She is the Head of Finnish Delegation ISO TC207, expert member of ISO standards ISO 14040 and 14044 (LCA), ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) and ISO 14067 and 14069 (Carbon Footprint). Coordinator of the SAMT project (2015-2016) in H2020 program, WP leader in several EU-projects, e.g. Ecotarget (2004 – 2008), SUNPAP (2009 – 2012), Biocore (2010 – 2014) and MORE (2013-2016). She is working on methodology development of Handprint, and has acted as evaluator in H2020 and FP7 calls and projects.
Mika Nieminen, Dr., Adjunct Professor, works as Principal Scientist and Team Leader at VTT Ltd. His key areas of expertise are research and innovation organizations, policy and systems. His current research interests cover especially systemic innovations and transformations, development of impact assessment methods and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) related questions
Twitter: @nieminenmp
Kirsi-Maria Hyytinen is Research team Leader (Future-proof Societies) and Senior scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. Her key areas of expertise relates to research, technology and innovation policy, focusing e.g. on following topics: innovation system, impact evaluation of R&D and innovation, service innovations, social innovations and systemic change. Besides, she has been responsible in developing and implementing impact evaluation model and related measures of Success (KPIs) as part of management and strategy work of VTT. Her recent work has focused on the development of new methodology on impact leadership to support future-proof desicion making in public sector.
Katariina Palomäki, Research Scientist, is a research scientist at VTT. She works with business research and development projects, and her key areas of interest include development and management of sustainable business and corporate sustainability.
Sari Vainikainen, M.Sc. (Tech) works as a Senior Scientist at VTT Quantitative Science and Technology Studies team, where various data sources and analysis methods are utilized in innovation research. Her expertise includes data collection, data modelling, data analysis and dashboard visualisations. Her recent research relates to data analysis on identifying sustainability actions of companies.
Essi Paronen